Young journalists: what are the challenges for our generation?

Today is the second day of the 17th journalism conference in Tours, the “assises internationales du journalisme”. Lots of different stands are present, but the Horizon Médiatique team is interested in “Radio 100% lycéen (high school students)”. How does the new generation see the future of the journalism profession ? Join Julie Desbiaux and Valentine Weiss as they meet some of the students.

March 27, 2024, today is the second day of the “Assises internationales du journalisme” in Tours. Between conferences about sports journalism (because of the Olympic Games which takes place in Paris this summer), the European elections and the notion of artificial intelligence, some journalism specialists offer information and advice.

In the middle of all these people, a radio studio is installed. Microphones, a control room and multicolor cables, about ten young people are concentrating on talking about different subjects. Behind this project Laurent Garofalo takes care of high school students from the region. His goal is to give a voice to the new generation in this popular form of media.

The “Assises internationales du journalisme” is a good opportunity to initiate the new generation about the question of how journalism is evolving. Once their radio programme was completed, we met Leila, Louane, Clara and her classmates to talk with them about their view of the future. For the girls, it’s a fait accompli that artificial intelligence will change the profession of journalism.

However, the place of human contribution must be present. For the highschool girls, the journalists have to go on the ground to show the reality. This point is very important in our world, especially during the war between Ukraine and Russia or Gaza and Israel. Questions of justice are the favorite topics of the new generation.

But during this session, easier subjects were discussed. In any case, the students revealed that they were a little stressed. That girls and boys talked about professions that are close to their values. There are 18 institutions that participate in the project of “Radio lycéenne”. The students will be able to listen to their work on the website, a platform with a lot of viewers.

And now, Valentine will show us some images of the students in action :


Horizons Médiatiques

Le monde raconté par les étudiant·es du Master Nouvelles Pratiques Journalistiques de l'Université Lumière Lyon 2.